2017 1st Quarter MWHS Students of Excellence
Posted by Carl Gerhardt on Feb 07, 2017

On February 7, 2017, MWHS Principal Brandon Garza introduced this quarter's Students of Excellence to the members of the Magnolia Rotary Club. Pictured above from left to right are Julissa Anaya, Merritt Coleman, Nick Rokhsaz, Cameron Faulkner, and MWHS Principal Brandon Garza.
MWHS Principal Brandon Garza told everyone what an honor it was to introduce the four outstaning students that are this quarter's "Students of Excellence". Mr. Garza also explained that all four of these students are amazing and natural leaders at MWHS. Starting with the girls, Mr. Garza introduced and spoke about the following students:
- Merritt Coleman - As the daughter of Ron and Kirsten Coleman, Merritt is currently ranked as 2nd in her graduating class which makes her the Class Salutatorian. Merritt is an active member on campus through involvement in Varsity Cross Country, Student Council, National Honor Society, DECA, Varsity Soccer, Basketball, the Magnolia ISD Student Leadership Program and the Magnolia West Stang Gang. Her Student Leadership Sponsor, Mr. Day, remarks that "Besides her excellence work ethic, the best thing about Merritt is that she is comfortable in her own skin. She can laugh at herself and can make others laugh as well." Merritt plans on attending either Notre Dame University or Texas Christian University next fall.
- Julissa Anaya - As the daughter of Mateo and Sandra Anaya, Julissa is currently ranked in the top 5% of her graduating class. Julissa has been involved in the National Honor Society, FFA. the Veterinary Medicine Team, Floral Design, and Varsity Softball. Coach Tamborella, her software coach, states that "Julissa is one of the hardest working and determined young ladies I have ever been around. She commits 110% to whatever program, team, activity, or class she participates in. Julissa is respected not only by her team mates and class mates, but by her teachers and coaches as well. Alissa is a wonderful role model and I am so very thankful and blessed to have her in my softball program". Julissa plans on attending Texas A&M to pursue a Business Administration Degree.
- Nick Rokhsaz - As the son of Alex and Kindra Rohksaz, Nick is currently ranked in the top 3% of his graduating class. Nick is an Academic All American that has been involved in the National Honor Society, Varsity Swimming, Student Leadership, and the Magnolia Aquatics Club. His Swim Coach, Mr. Wade, states that "Nick is the complete student/athlete and a great team mate. He excels in the classroom and in the pool. He does this because he has great integrity and works hard in everything he does. He is a senior that has been with this program all four years and he will definitely be missed! Nick will be attending Texas A&M in the fall to study Engineering.
- Cameron Faulkner - As the son of Jay and Wendy Faulkner, Cameron is currently ranked in the top 5% of his graduating class. Cameron has been involved in Basketball, Football, Golf, the National Honor Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and the Magnolia West Anglers Club. Coach Clifford, Cameron's Basketball Coach, states that "Cameron is an awesome athlete and a great team mate who works hard at everthing he does". Cameron plans on attending Texas A&M University this fall to pursue a degree in Business Administration.
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