Posted by Carl Gerhardt on May 07, 2019
On 5/7/2019, Rotarian Kelly McDonald spoke to the Magnolia Rotary Club Membership about some of the amazing projects that Rotarians in other countries do. Pictured above is Kelly McDonald.
Kelly McDonald told everyone that Rotarians around the world are doing some amazing projects that help people locally as well a humanity as a whole. Kelly showed two short films and provided a handout of what some of the breakout sessions will be at the next International Convention in Hamburg, Germany.
The first film discussed some of the problems with immunizing children in India. Because they have a large amount of their population as well as populations in surrounding countries traveling back and forth across their boarders for a number of reasons, it is very difficult to make sure every child or person gets immunized. To combat this problem, India has set up "Permanent Transit Points" or PTPs located at places like train and bus depots as well as airports. The film showed how this effort is bearing fruit as many more people and children have been vaccinated.
The second film talked about the area around Cairo Egypt where many people and especially women are illiterate. As such they are mostly unemployable. To combat this problem, schools have been set up to teach people to read and write as well as teaching them a skill that can be used to make them employable.