Posted by Carl Gerhardt on Oct 22, 2019
On 10/22/2019, President Elect Hope Moye filled in for Janice Thigpen who was working on some ads for our club. Pictured above is Hope Moye.
Hope let the Magnolia Rotary Club membership in discussing the upcoming Magnolia Bowl that happens on November 1, 2019, the International Sierra Leone Project, and the good news about how active the new MHS Interact Club is now that Mrs Cantu has taken it over. In addition, Hope laid out what would be happening in our club's November meeting.
During the discussion about the upcoming Magnolia Bowl event, Denise Myers showed everyone what the T-Shirts for both MHS and MWHS look like (see photos below). The first photo is of the MHS T-Shirt, the 2nd photo is of the back of both T-Shirts showing our sponsors, and the 3rd photo is of the MWHS T-Shirt. The delivery of these T-shirts to our wonderful sponsors was also discussed and were delivered after the meeting.
Real Provencher told everyone that the Sierra Leone project is at a point where all of the club's donors now need to write checks for their commitments to this project, All checks should be made payable to the Magnolia Rotary Club and our club will issue the required check(s) to Rotary International. Real also told everyone that the each donors gifts will count toward their Rotary Foundation amounts.
Barbara and Real Provencher told everyone that the District Governor will be coming to our November 5 meeting and they will hold a reception for her the night before at their house. They stated that they will send out an email to allow everyone to determine if they are going or not so that the correct amount of food can be ordered.
Hope Moye then told everyone what a great job Mrs. Cantu at MHS is doing with starting up the schools Interact club after the previous sponsors left. Hope and Chopin both attended their first meetings (one for 10th and 11th grades and one for the seniors or 12th grade). There were many excited students at both meetings and our club provided pizza for everyone. Hope discussed some of the projects they are already planning like "Penny's for Polio", the Halloween UNICEF fund raiser, and their plans to help our club at the Magnolia Bowl. There was some discussion of where all of their Rotary banners were and it may be necessary for our club to purchase new ones if they can't be found. Their Interact club also has to elect club officers since they are basically a new club. Real pointed out that in the future, they need to schedule their officer elections in February before the seniors that are leaving lose interest.
Hope then spoke about what our upcoming November meeting would be and Carl Gerhardt agreed to update the Speaker's list on our club's website.