Jeff Springer (Principal of MHS) introduced the four "Students of Excellence" for this quarter at the Magnolia Rotary Club. Pictured from left to right are: Alexandra Re, Emily Ward, Gunner Sjogren, Hardy Gatlin, and Principal Jeff Springer.
Principal Jeff Springer of Magnolia High School, thanked the Rotary Club for providing an environment where he could show off just how great his students are. He also thanked them for providing the awards to the students. In addition, he acknowledged that great parents create great students. Jeff then introduced the boys first and then the girls in the following order allowing each student to talk about themselves and introduce their parents.
1. Gunner Sjogren:
Gunner Sjogren introduced his parents and then told everyone that he is planning on attending Louisiana State University to get a degree in Engineering. Jeff Springer pointed out that Gunner is number 16 out of a graduating class of 402 and has lettered 3 years in varsity football. Gunner is also a member of the NHS and the VP of the Mu Alpha Theta Club (Math club) as well as taking a number of AP courses. Gunner is also a natural leader who puts other people first. Gunner's teachers also speak highly of him and indicated that he always gives his best and is a great team player.
2. Hardy Gatlin:
Hardy Gatlin introduced his parents and then told everyone he is not quite sure yet what degree he will pursue in college but expects it will be in the medical field. He is awaiting a 5:00 PM email that will let him know what school he will be attending. Hardy also thanked the Rotary Club for the award. Jeff Springer stated that Hardy was not only brilliant but also quite humble. His communication skills are excellent and he tutors other students in many subjects. In fact, Jeff stated that he thought that Hardy would make an excellent teacher. Hardy is number 3 out of a graduating class of 402. He is currently taking seven AP courses and his teachers speak highly of him.
3. Alexandra Re:
Alexandra Re introduced her mother and told everyone that she had moved here from California only eight months ago. Jeff Springer stated that Alexandra (friends call her Aley Re) is a star of a student who despite having moved from California only eight months ago has hit the ground running and has not only blended in but has contributed greatly to MHS. Jeff stated that Alexandra has the "IT" factor that is rarely seen in students that transfer in. Alexandra loves the arts and is in choir and band where her teachers all speak highly of her. In fact, her teachers say she is passionate about her work and is very smart and talented as well as being very polite to everyone.
4. Emily Ward:
Emily Ward introduced her parents and told everyone that she plans to pursue a degree in Advertising at the University of Texas. She also thanked the Magnolia Rotary Club for the award. Jeff Springer stated that Emily is a great young lady who should never be under estimated. Jeff believes that Emily can accomplish anything she decided to take on. Emily is number 5 out of a graduating class of 402 and takes many AP courses. She loves both speech and debate and is a compassionate, hard working young lady. Her teachers love her and her strength of character and determination. She describes herself as a type "A"personality, but Jeff pointed out that she is also a good listener of other points of view.
Dan Lowe that handed out a Rotary Certificate stating their achievement as a "Student of Excellence" and the audience gave them all a roaring applause before getting their photos taken. Some of those photos can be seen below: